Post Pandemic Counselling Via Video Calls
Managing the Mental Stress of the pandemic
The aftermath of Covid-19 has created much uncertainty in people’s lives.
At present the NHS Mental health services are completely overloaded so people in financial crisis, who really need Counselling and Psychotherapy cannot get access to the help that they really need.
Not only am I increasingly offering counselling for feelings of anxiety or stress, but I am seeing an increase in applications for relationship advice. The pandemic has challenged family relationships, created added pressure for parents, made the world feel unsafe and disrupted well-crafted work/life balances. Increasingly feeling snappy, irritable, and aggressive is a common reaction to hard-to-navigate scenarios. I will help you acknowledge and handle increased pressures, allowing for positive changes in relationships and mental wellbeing.

Helping you to change the way you think and manage stress
For the last 10 years I have been working on a Crisis Helpline to help people who are often having Suicidal Thoughts. After listening to their situation which has caused them to think in this way, I explain the SAFE Model to clarify and normalise their thinking. This allows them to clarify their catastrophic thoughts and understand that by changing their thinking & behaviour there is a way forward.
Find out more about me and my SAFE Model.